
Heart Palpitations Abound!

My alarm clock nearly gave me a heart attack just now. I thought I had shut it off. I didn't get any sleep at all, although it wasn't completely unexpected. My area just got hit with a fuckton of snow, as such my classes got canceled. Of course, I being the irresponsible fuckwit I am, decided to spend my time off staying up all night. One would think I would figure out the consequences of doing that after a while. Of course, what one thinks should happen, and what actually happens rarely if ever coincides.

Hey self! I don't know when you started jumping at every shadow, but you had best stop it. The vaguely white thing you see out of the corner of your eye is your hair lit up by the monitor. It always has been, and it always will be. That weird black-ish blob in the back yard? It's a chair. It's been there for fucking years, stop worrying about it. The shiny things in the garage window? Icicles. Chill the fuck out.

Maybe it's the lack of sleep making me paranoid. I'm fucking exhausted. Good thing I've still got a redbull left over. I know that shit is awful for you, but hell. It "gives me jet engines" as a friend of mine said. Tastes pretty terrible too. Kinda like smarties. Do you guys remember smarties? I always hated them growing up. I like the coffee flavored energy drinks best. Monster Java and the way-too-expensive Starbucks ones are the easiest to get. Sometimes I find the Coffee Rockstar ones. I fucking love Rockstar.

Ah, what was I saying? Right heart attacks. They happen. And stuff. I am so tired.


  1. I've had that stuff happen too. A plant positioned itself over the vent and the shadow of its random leaf looked like a tentacle and I promptly freaked out way too much.

    We have a vaccuum cleaner that is sometimes parked against the mirror. In a dark hallway, it cats a weird reflection that is dark and tall and skinny enough for me to have plenty of heart attacks.

    ...Yeah. You're not alone - and I'm barely ever hyped up on energy drinks, so I'd say I freak out more easily.

  2. Not too long ago I saw a shirt in my closet move and was convinced there was a monster in there. I drew the sword I keep next to my bed and everything. Turned out to just be my cat. -.- Boy was my face red after that.
