
It is a monumental day!

Stormy, Sammie I don't know if you two realize this, but it is Groundhog Day. An old Pennsylvanian tradition where a groundhog comes out of the ground. If it freaks out at the sight of it's own shadow, it is said that spring will come early this year.

He freaked out at his shadow!

The groundhog is almost never right, but as an icestorm took out my power (and thus my heat) this morning I'm just going to say this. Groundhog, if spring does not come early this year, next year you're going to be celebrating your holiday as my fucking hat. You got that?

Ah well. Stay safe you two.


  1. Frick, it's groundhog day already?

    Good god, be right you fuzzy bastard. I'm sick of snow >.>

    Happy Groundhog Day! *hugs for warmth?*

  2. Of course. I'll share my Phil hat with you if he's wrong. ;)

    *Groundhog Day Hugs*!

    It's almost a shame I didn't make this blog before or on National Hug Day. Best holiday of the year y/y?

  3. xD Thanks much~


    There's a National Hug Day? 0.0 I was not aware.

  4. XDD Definitely best holiday of the year.

    *shares hugs* I'm hoping for total snowdays for the start of my second semester, but I don't think it's happening... ;_;

    Spring would be nice though. Tired of taking ten minutes to bundle up.

  5. There is totally a National Hug Day. It's the best day ever.

    Oh Stormy, you and your snow days. Don't you realize they'll just have to tack those days you missed onto the end of the semester, when you'll feel even less like going to class?

  6. Shhh. I try not to think about that - and walking to school will be easier then~

  7. Easier sure, but when the air is fresh and smells like flowers and it is suddenly well above freezing and bunnies are playing and birds are singing, do you really want to waste a day like that listening to some professor talk about something you don't really care all that much about?
